“The Lodge”

Pen and Ink, Ink Wash, 23.64 cm ~ 29.28 cm (9 ~ 11,5 ), 2009
Antoine Revoy and Kelly Murphy co-illustrated the chapter book 'Haunted Houses (Are You Scared Yet?)', written by Robert Sans Souci and published by Henry Holt & Co.. This chilling read is a collection of stories revolving around the theme of haunted domains and is oriented towards young adults. Kelly and Antoine created black and white art in crow quill and ink wash painting to illustrate the book's ten horror stories (full drawings and spot illustrations), as well as a cover in mixed media.

Artwork created for 'Haunted Houses (Are You Scared Yet?)' was selected by The Society of Illustrators during the course of its 53rd annual competition. The illustration "The Lodge" was exhibited at the Museum of American Illustration in New York City. It is also featured in The Society of Illustrators' 2011 Annual Book. In 2012, this illustration earned a Gold Award in the book category of the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles's 50th annual competition, Illustration West 50, and was exhibited at the Gallery Nucleus.

"The Lodge" illustration was also chosen by American Illustration for publication on their website during their 29th annual competition.

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